
Summer update #2

This past week I started an internship with the Orange County Human Trafficking Task Force.
The new website should be up later this week, so if you check it out once... check it out later to see some more interactive opportunities!
Tomorrow we start visiting local hospitals and check into cash locations to continue education on how to identify victims of human trafficking.

There are a few things I have learned from just one week in action.
1. Trafficking is very real here in Orange County. Check the Sports section of the OC Register... look at all the Asian Massage advertisements.
2. It is incredibly useful to speak another language - I am currently on the hunt for language speakers!
3. All it really takes for trafficking victims to be identified is people to KNOW what to look for.
4. Trafficking is ORGANIZED CRIME, and should not be investigated by the everyday person - 
5. Call 1-888-3737-888 if you have any questions about trafficking, if you think you suspect a location or a victim, or for any other related reason!!! It is an incredible resource!!! Use it!!!

Hopefully these posts will be more organized as I figure out more of what exactly I will be doing this summer, but until then - 
Welcome home Rwanda, UK, Central Asia, Canada etc.... !!!!

If you have nothing to do this summer, and are in the OC area... let me know! We can definitely use some more volunteers!

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