
Hanuman who?

Latest on the BBC... Another opportunity to see how visiting India has changed my perspective on the world...

Indians offer a gold covered statue of a monkey god to Barack Obama, because they heard he carried a monkey good luck chain on him. 

"We have heard that he carries a small monkey charm in his pocket. So he is a devotee of Hanuman. That's why we want to present him with this idol," he said.

During our time in India we visited a Hindu temple where the monkey god Han
uman was worshipped. The experience cannot be contained in words. From the sticky floors, insane smells from burnt food offerings, bright colored flowers and pushing and shoving all the way through it would be classified into what I would describe as an American : Chaos. Yet each person seemed to know exactly what they needed to do. It was like a check list, ring this bell, kiss this stair, say these words, walk this way... 

The two things that stuck with me most were the bells, the pictures of the gods on the walls, ad the faces that were painted onto them. 
The bells left an eerie sound... and brought life to the story of 1 Kings, where there is a test between the followers of Baal and the followers of the Lord. The followers of baal shout and dance and try to awaken and appease their gods... with devotion and passion and unceasingly... and yet their efforts are fruitless.

There was a man that a friend say attempting to feed a peeled banana to one of the statues... and every picture of every god on the walls, had food pressed against the location of the mouth.
And on the faces of each of these idols... was the same smug look. It was deeply saddening to simply observe the bondage that has gone on in India for centuries... and greatly angering to see the injustice to the most High God who IS the only One Worthy of Praise and Worship - who desires good for his children!

Throughout Deuteronomy there are words spoken by prophets where the Lord speaks of his anger towards idols, and warns people to turn away from them. In 1 Samuel 12, Samuel leaves his farewell with these last parting words.  

"Do not be afraid," Samuel replied. "You have done all this evil; yet do not turn away from the LORD, but serve the LORD with all your heart. Do not turn away after useless idols. They can do you no good, nor can they rescue you, because they are useless.  For the sake of his great name the LORD will not reject his people, because the LORD was pleased to make you his own. As for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the LORD by failing to pray for you. And I will teach you the way that is good and right. But be sure to fear the LORD and serve him faithfully with all your heart; consider what great things he has done for you. Yet if you persist in doing evil, both you and your king will be swept away."
Oh that the Lord would continue to raise up workers... both national and internationally to speak these words in love and truth to the peoples of South Asia, wherever they are located around the world.

All of this to say, that the one image of Hanuman has much more wrapped up in it than a political statement of support of Barack Obama. The last phrase of the article stated that those who offered him the statue believed:
"India will progress if he comes to power."

While they are entitled to their opinion, I would have to wholeheartedly disagree. My heart is burdened to see that statement. From a humble pair of eyes that observed and studied life in India for a mere three weeks, there is a much deeper change needed in the heartbeat and framework of India if there is ever to be change and progress. What do I think the solution is? 
I am not educated enough to know... however a man named Phule who was the guru of Ghandi and of Ambedkhar offered the solution of India turning to follow the Baliraja... 


Just a blurp

Sorry the pictures didn't post! I will work out why later...

For now, some thoughts. 

Although India frustrated me while I was there, it has made me fascinated with Indian people here. With that combined with Merrick location by the end of this week, my interest in South Asia events is heightened. 

For Today: (lift this up in prayer)

He should (if they are going by the schedule I heard) be leaving the training in Thailand by Tuesday or Wednesday. 

Missing him oh so much today...

Still breathing

This is an official apology to my avid readers (of which there may be few!) to not capturing the thoughts of my South Asia trip in a blog as of yet! I wrote out these thoughts last Wednesday but had internet trouble… so here is the beginning of my return blogs!!

This has definitely been a much harder trip to process and to capture than I thought it would. I think, because it left me dissatisfied with quite a few things. There were some beautiful times, and some hard times, so I will list a few of each to begin to summarize...

Good: The chance to observe. There was so much about the culture and religion, that diving in would have been difficult without the perspective and chance to simply watch how to culture interacts with each other. 

Hard: The sickness.

Good: The Encouragement - for the local church by us, and for us to see the Holy Spirit moving in small but powerful ways.

Hard: The separation I felt from the culture. Not until the last few days did I get to meet some national friends that connected me to life in South Asia.

Good: My team! They are incredible individuals. We balanced each other out well as a mini representation of the body of Christ!

Hard: The materialism. It has consumed Western society, and has newfound roots in the upper and middle class of South Asia. How difficult to interact with those in the upper part of society, who are just as lost as those at the bottom. And yet my heart hardens towards the top, and breaks for the bottom. I found my human limits to compassion. It is only Jesus Christ, and a heart that seeks his own, that a compassion for all can begin to be formed. 

Good: The Word alive. Where scripture talks about idols... has come alive for me. It is an injustice to the one TRUE God, to have idols in existence and worshipped around the world. This is good not its essence, but in the revelations in my heart that are taking place. 

Hard: The Remains of the Caste system. The subjugation of women. The lostness and the darkness. The harshness that can all be summarized as the culture.


This is just a bit, as I continue to process these things. I am so thankful for the opportunity to be able to go and experience and learn. This trip has played a huge role in continuing to shape my heart to resemble one higher than mine... in all humility there was very little that I feel I did on this trip to benefit anyone. It is only Christ in me and in the church that can and WILL bring change to this earth. What will it be called? His Kingdom come. 

On a personal note: Merrick left for India yesterday. Keep him in your prayers :) He returns in exactly six weeks from tomorrow... hopefully the new job at Panera Bread will make the days pass quickly! Here are a few pictures to make your reading with your time J