
Courage and Concern

To any girl who has ever had long hair, and experienced the loss after the short cut... I commend you.

After going with Rachel, one of my amazing residents :), to get 15 inches cut off her hair today, I was reminded of the rush of courage it takes to simply get it done, and the weird feeling afterwards... when you realize it doesn't go back on!

I was honored to be a part of this event (and the encouragement sessions which followed).
Partially because it seriously is a CHANGE.

Something that the average person is afraid of. Perhaps not on the surface. But deep down... when something familiar is suddenly whisked away, or a decision is made which large impact, there is a sense of fear of the unknown. From traveling to another country, to transitions in life, to funerals or graduations... change is hard. 

As a believer in Christ, we have faith that the Lord truly will work all things for the good of those who love and fear Him - because we (are beginning to) understand that things are truly "good" when God is most glorified (which is when we are most satisfied in Him!)
So this is my tribute to Rachel and my mini thoughts on change.

I will try and keep my thoughts shorter than the last post from now on.

Three more updates for the night.

1. My blog will (for the next four months) be serving the purposes for a class as well. Interesting, not sure how I feel about this yet.

2. Here is an article about changes that President Bush is making involving Iraq...
8,000 troops are finally leaving. But where are they going? Afghanistan.

3. An update on what is going on in Uganda, involving the search for justice in northern Uganda with the lord's Resistance Army. It is more complicated than a simple war crime punishment...

1 more thoughts:

rachel said...

thanks for not putting the crying pictures up! haha.

and realy thanks for going, it ment a lot. i probably would have run away if yall weren't with me.