
This is the day that the Lord has made!

And the day that I leave for Southern Asia.

As we have been preparing, I so deeply value your prayers that many of you have faithfully brought before the Father for a variety of things. Last night was so encouraging to have a few of you come and pray over myself (and Merrick!) as I leave in T-Minus 3 hours! Actually our flight does not take off until 4, but after that we will be traveling for a mere 23-25 hours.
From LAX to Frankfurt, to our final destination will be quite a long journey but lots of time to read and get reconnected before journeying these next three weeks together.

The main thing I got on to post was this: Prayer needs.... I have come to value prayer support so much more than ever before in preparation for this trip. 

1. That we would find strength and confidence in Jesus Christ in the intense face of spiritual darkness that we will encounter, both before and after our departure. A friend pointed out last night that spiritual warfare may be roaring like a lion while we are in country, but it comes like a lioness (quiet and ravaging) when we return. 

2. That the people themselves in the area of South Asia that we will be in will have their eyes opened to the truth of Jesus Christ as the one and ONLY Lord of the Universe. That they would be freed from the bonds of Hinduism.

3. That the Lord would use us in any way possible as we SURRENDER to the Holy Spirit. That we would be sensitive and aware of how the Spirit is already moving in the area, and be EXPECTANT of him to do things greater than we could as or imagine.

A few other specifics:
- The Unity of my team: They are seriously INCREDIBLE people that I would love to be lifted up individually as we each have concerns and anxieties about different things both here and there:
Kinsley and Joe (our leaders)
(and myself!)

~ Please pray against disease and sickness while we are there. "Delhi belly" is something we will probably all go through, so please pray that it will pass quickly. Please also pray against any typhoid specifically in ALL members of our team.

~For those who will be missing us back home. 

~ For safe travel and opportunities even while we are doing so!

~ For understanding and peace in the midst of the culture and worldviews surrounding us. 

~ For all of the unknowns that we will need prayer for as they are revealed to us!!!

you can follow our journey here and click on the team "South Asia A"

Thank you all. I LOVE YOU and will be missing you and excited to share stories upon our return.

Peace and Love  :)

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