
Definition: Heavy eyes

I do not understand the way the human brain functions. Although my body is clearly sending my brain the message that it is exhausted and needs to be rejuvinated, my mind has won over, and will not stop reeling with thoughts - even for it's own well being. And so I have ended up here again.

To give a few recently learned definitions of the week:

ITW: Intense time of activity created to develop perserverance and reveal true qualities about the characteristcs of those on one's team.

India A: An incredible group of people, who I grew accustomed to living with for 48 hours. Can be described as honest, Serving, Excited, and earnest followers of Christ.

Prayer Walking: Conversational prayer. IS HIGHLY EFFECTIVE AND AMAZING WHEN DONE OUTLOUD. Can be done alone or in groups of two or more. Please remember in Prayer Walking, that God is a part of the conversation, and silence is okay. Warning: Will open your eyes to the world around you in a very real and convicting way. (I.E. praying for the Indian School, the grass by the ADC, and the gardeners of CBU... )

Food: A luxury most of the world does without. A common cause of complaint and comfort among Americans. Overdose can and does lead to physical and emotional disorders. Is often taken for granted among Americans (myself included). One meal can cost over 10 times what a worker will make on an average day in a foreign country.

Kenya: A place where God's heart is alive. Spiritual Warfare is everywhere, currently most evident in tribal hatred and violence often leading to destruction of businesses and lives. Also typically ignored by American media, for the sake of the next definition.

Britney Spears: A woman who has had to undergo some very unique, public and twisted trials in her life. Is the obsession of American media, while thousands of lives are suffering in fear and destruction in areas such as that described above.

The Holy Spirit: A key part of the Trinity. The power of God in his people. First came down in the pentecost of the jews, then the samaritans, then the gentiles. Very radical in nature. Is often not accepted to it's full power (which is even over death itself). Moves powerfully, mysteriously, and is still being understood...

The Persecuted Church: Genuine followers of Christ. Denying of self for the sake of Christ is real in a tangible way. Deserves love of the saints (and in that the church) around the world. Undergoes rejection, fear of government and possibly death on a daily basis. Deeply values and lives the world of God. Results: A growing and thriving authentic community of faith.

The Sword of the Spirit: The only weapon of the armor of God. Also called The Bible, The Word of God. Is often twisted and misunderstood, but never changes. Dramatically changes lives daily. It is alive and powerful. Is not created to bash others on the head with judgement, but first to turn as followers of Christ use it to learn to die to themselves.

Funfetti Cake: Amazing. Healthy for the soul :)

Coffee and Chocolate: Not that neccesary for life.

Support Letters: ... yet to be defined...

Independence: Something women are developed to have far too much of. Example: Myself. Is a great quality when understood in balance.

Homework: Never ending. Incomplete. Designed to reinforce classroom learning, and test competance and responsibility. Currently incomplete.

Oh My God: An expression used by people worldwide. Used in vain, in pain, in prayer, in jokes. Title of a song by Jars of Clay (which should be listened too)

Sleep: Neccessary. Not often found in great quantity among college students, resulting in failure to be able to complete thoughts, homework etc. The reason why this blog is coming to an end.

Goodnight all!

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