
The Story of Stuff

A friend posted this link on facebook - so I looked it up. 

2o minutes later, I had been taken through a brief summary of The Story of Stuff.

The information shared is a great introduction to understanding the history of consumerism in our society. There are many great points, but also some underlying theme which my wonderful fiance continually reminds me of.

1. The growing fear of death (particularly as a growing motivator for why we need to care about the environment) 

2. The "bad-ness" of everything that is manmade. I think there are more reasons than just to pollute our environment that "stuff" was made - perhaps having to do with the idea of "convenience" - making things easier.

3. The idea that changing the power structure in the government is possible... that we can take away the power from the big corporations is a wonderful idea - but (as a very uneducated non-economic minded young adult) seems (like to video says...) idealistic. This does not mean that we should not care about the things that the video proposes.

Contrarily, as Christians we should care about this even more than those who are not following Christ. Our approach to the issues surrounding injustice in the world ought to be centered in prayer. Perhaps we can learn from "another way" that Annie Leonard suggest, but learn even more from "another way" proclaimed by Jesus.

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