
I think I am beginning to get it

I thought I was beginning to get it.
You know, the Story of the Glory of God.
But really - I was only learning the basic of how to read it.

There are so many things that are going through my head, they just need to be organized.

1. The Huge need for Community in my life (church and campus)
2. The wall I am breaking down as I learn what it means to wait for the Holy Spirit to move.
3. The Reality of the person of Jesus Christ. I have thought of it often before, and am re learning the personality and amazing characteristics of my Savior and my Lord.
4. What it looks like to live in faith - expectant of the Lord to fulfill his plans of God for his people rather than pessimistic that I live in optimistic hope.
5. Who on earth to vote for! Politics are beginning to mean something to me... yet I do not understand them.
6. I am now late to class because it took so long to set up a blog.

To be continued...

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